Thursday, March 7, 2013

Baby Species Intervention #6609 by J.K. Accinni

Baby  takes place in Sussex county, New Jersey during the prohibition era of 1929.This is where we meet Netty who flees her abusive huband to the farm that was worked by her parents. This is where she finds Baby, an Oolahan, who has come here on a mission and forgotten what it was. They become very close as the story progeresses. Then we meet Wil, a handsome stranger who wanders onto the farm one night. As you may have guessed they fall in love. The story that unfolds is strange and unique as the charters are.

Accinni wrote the book in a way that makes you feel as though you are in it. I began to fall in love with the main characters Netty, Baby,and Wil from the start. I admit when I first started reading this book I found it slow and wondered if I could get through it. However, I soon foud myself immersed in plot and could scarcely put it down and finished it in less than two days. There are some gramatical errors here and there and I think that Accinni could have made her voice a bit stronger but it was over all a good book. If you like science fiction books I think you would enjoy it.

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